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/ Tech Arsenal 1 / Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO / tek-02 / goldplay.zip / TESTPLAY.PAS < prev   
Pascal/Delphi Source File  |  1992-07-17  |  979b  |  29 lines

  1. {$M 4000,0,40000}                     { Not more heap than needed }
  3. Uses GoldPlay,DOS,Crt;
  5. Var I:Word;
  7. Begin;
  8. LoadOvl('GoldPlay.ovl');              { Load the moduleplayer }
  9. AskInit;                  { Ask user about sounddevice }
  10. Initialize;                           { Initialize the player }
  11. LoadModule('Digital.mod');            { Load the module }
  12. If Error<>0 then
  13.    begin;
  14.    writeln('Module Not Found');
  15.    Halt;
  16.    End;
  17. System.Writeln;                  { Do a LineFeed }
  18. System.Write('Playing. . .');         { Write a message }
  19. StartPlaying;                         { Start Playing }
  20. repeat until port[$60]<$80;           { Wait until someone presses space }
  21. For I:=64 downto 0 do
  22.     begin;
  23.     MasterVolume(I);                  { Fade down .... }
  24.     Delay(50);
  25.     End;
  26. StopPlaying;                          { Stop the module }
  27. DeAlloc;                              { Remove the module }
  28. RemoveOvl;                          { Remove the moduleplayer }
  29. end.